"COLT MODEL 1908 (380 US PROPERTY MARK). SN 135763. Cal. 380. These Colt pocket automatics were issued to general officers from the early 1940s right up through approximately 1990. The blued 380 variation is the most desirable of the bunch being that there were less produced and they have the larger caliber. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Retains approximately 95% orig blue with just a little bit of spotting on the slide.ááGrip straps, front and rear, show excellent, retaining better than 90% orig finish with minor freckling.ááLeft side of receiver shows very clean with the SN and the subinspector marks 7 and 4 on triggerbow.ááRight side of receiver has US property stamp in it with subinspector mark 13 on triggerbow, has some discoloration behind the right grip from somebody's hand as well as a couple of very small but deep scratches above the triggerguard.ááReceiver also has a spot of finish rust approximately 1" long x 3/8" wide on the very back just below the slide.ááSlide shows approximately 90% finish with some brown spotting or light rust on both sides that at least some should clean.ááGrips are sharp with no dents or mar in them.ááSingle two tone magazine has a little bit of fine pitting near the top.ááAll in all a pretty nice little US pocket auto.ááMechanics are excellent and bore is bright and shiny. 4-34144 BK105 (2,500-3,500)"
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