"COLT SUPER MATCH SUPER 38 SEMI-AUTO PISTOL. SN 25455. Cal. 38 Super. Raymond D. (R.D. "BOSS") Thorp was born 1891 in Texas & died in 1975 in Austin at age 84. He was a very talented semi-pro baseball player who played for the Tampico, Mexico team as well as a local Austin team. In one caption of a copy of a photograph that accompanies this pistol which shows Boss Thorp & two other gentlemen in 1930's suits, states that he enlisted in WWI. At this point no additional information is known regarding his military service. Boss Thorp served as the Chief of Police of Austin from 1928-1958, when he retired. He was apparently very famous & well respected in the Austin area, so much so that in 1995 the local high school baseball field was named for him. Accompanying this pistol is a copy of the oath of enlistment in the Texas Rangers for R.D. Thorp for the period Dec. 1931 - Jan. 1933. It lists his occupation as a peace officer & the term of service was "without compensation" implying that it was an honorary appointment as a Texas Ranger. Also accompanying is a Colt factory letter identifying this pistol in caliber 38 Super with 5" bbl, blue finish, type of stocks not listed and shipped to "R.D. Thorp / Chief of Police / City of Austin, Texas" on Aug. 20, 1937 in a shipment of four same type guns. Also accompanying is a copy of Raymond D. Thorp's draft registration card and a copy of a page from the 1920 U.S. Census of Travis County, Texas listing Raymond D. Thorp as the 28 year old single son of J.W. Thorp. The pistol is nickel finish, obviously finished over orig factory blue. It was done very professionally with no additional polishing as there are no wavers or lines in finish. It was done however, over some fine pinprick pitting on left rear end of slide. It still retains its orig Colt 38 Super Auto Match MB factory bbl and is so marked. Mounted with gold colored, smooth composite grips with finger grooves in left panel. It has its orig 2-tone magazine with bottom 1" having been nickel plated. CONDITION: Fine. Finish as noted. Overall retains about 85-88% strong smooth nickel with some slight pimpling & bubbling in small areas with losses primarily on right rear end of slide. Grips are fine. Mechanics are crisp, brilliant shiny bore. 4-35188 JR167 (5,000-7,000)"
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