"HOLSTER G.H. McELROY SINGLE LOOP . Most rare holster for a Colt 4-3/4" SAA revolver made from a single piece of leather with a large, swelled center single loop. Body of holster is about 7-1/2" long with the maker's cartouche "G.H. McElroy / Maker / Tulsa I.T."on the loop and top of the face of the holster. Rear edge and toe of the body have been re-stitched and there is a light, rolled decoration around the skirt, both edges of the loop, the top and the rear edge of the body. There are four holes punched in the top of the skirt, not visible from the front. Back side of the holster body is crudely and lightly carved "AAW" with some other, indecipherable inscription. The "I.T." part of the maker's cartouche, of course, stands for "Indian Territory", that part of the United States that was very unsettled and lawless until well after it became the state of OK. This holster conjures visions of a deputy marshal or even an outlaw in the Territory and Judge Isaac C. Parker's "Jersey Lilly" courthouse. CONDITION: Very fine, overall retains most of its orig russet brown finish with minor nicks and scratches showing moderate to heavy wear on the back side and inside the body. Sewn edge has been re-stitched and the toe may have had some very minor mouse damage. All together a very fine and rare Indian Territory marked holster. 4-33720 JR309 (4,500-5,500)"
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