COLT MODEL 1851 NAVY REVOLVER. SN SN 100175.. Cal. 36. It is believed that this gun may be a period copy of a Colt. Silver finish with 7-1/2” oct bbl, pin front sight with brass trigger guard & backstrap and 1-pc walnut grip. Frame has full coverage, typical Nimschke engraving with Colt’s Patent on left side. Engraving extends over the entire sides of bbl lug & rammer pivot with a border around the address on top flat. Backstrap, buttstrap & trigger guard are engraved to match. CONDITION: Fine to very fine. This is a little used revolver that has had poor storage. Bbl & rammer handle retain 75-80% strong re-silver with some flaking (mostly near the end of the bbl and the plunger) and turning dull. Flaked areas are a dark patina. Cyl retains about 85% re-silver-plating with about 95-98% crisp Ormsby naval battle scene. All six safety pins are crisp. Frame retains 80-85% silver plating with flaked areas dark patina. Grip frame retains about 95% silver plating, thinned on backstrap. Ends of wedge show little or no battering with most of their engraving intact. Replaced grips are crisp with sharp edges and retain virtually all of their orig factory varnish. Trigger return spring is weak, otherwise mechanics are crisp with bright shiny bore. 8-87520 (5,000-10,000)
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