"RICHMOND 1861 RIFLED MUSKET. SN NSN. Cal. 58. This early 1861 Richmond still retains the Model 1855 hammer and a surcharged US Model 1855 buttplate. Mr. Michel describes this gun further as follows: "This rifled musket represents the first type assembled with parts taken from Harpers Ferry after the capture of the arsenal and armory by Virginia state troops at the outset of the war. The lockplate is marked 'Richmond Va' indicating it is one assembled after movement of the parts to that city but still using old parts, as bbl uses the Model 1855 long-range rear sight not produced at Richmond. Lockplate itself has been modified, again subsequent to orig assembly by being ground at the hump top to level the plate to the contour of the stock, much like the plates subsequently produced at Richmond". CONDITION: Bbl is brown and apparently refinished. No rifling is visible in bore. Stock is restored from rear band forward as are ramrod, nosecap, and bands. Buttstock has old repair at wrist. Blacksmith-made ramrod appears orig to era. Long-range rear sight is replaced. Accompanying ramrod is pitted on socket and blade is gray with scattered staining and pitting. 4-31241 JS153 (3,000-5,000)"
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Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm,9mm & 12mm)
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Basic one shell
16 gauge kit
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Includes a brass
case, a cap holder, a firing pin and a long screw
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
Revive your antique guns
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