"POMEROY MODEL 1816 MUSKET. SN NSN. Cal. 69. Mr. Michel describes this gun as follows: "Confederate alteration of Model 1816 Pomeroy. Alteration by brazing a raised platform on right side of breech of bbl for insertion of nipple (a reinforced 'cone in bbl' alteration). Cut off outside surface of pan is stamped with number '37'. This number is also stamped inside hammer. Lockplate marked forward of hammer with eagle over 'US' and at tail, '1818'". You are bidding on an "attic" condition, Confederate alteration of unknown manufacture which is nicely preserved. CONDITION: Metal surfaces with exception of replaced ramrod are brown, uncleaned with staining and pitting. Stock is solid with numerous scratches, dents, and dings. Hairline crack is found opposite lock. About 1" x 1/2" piece of wood is missing from ramrod channel. 4-31266 JS205 (3,000-5,000)"
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Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm,9mm & 12mm)
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Basic one shell
16 gauge kit
for pinfire shotgun
manual click here

Includes a brass
case, a cap holder, a firing pin and a long screw
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
Revive your antique guns
How does it work?
