"HARPERS FERRY MODEL 1816 MUSKET. SN NSN. Cal. 69. Mr. Michel describes this gun as follows: "Brazed bolster alteration to percussion of Model 1816 Harpers Ferry musket. Lockplate of musket marked forward of hammer with eagle / 'US', and at tail 'Harpers Ferry 1823'. Brazed bolster is rounded at bottom with brass pan remnant filed to conform to rounded contour of bolster. Alteration resembles rounded shape of Union Manufacturing Co., except for a notch where the curve of bolster meets lockplate. Orig assembly number on parts is '4'. Alteration reassembly number is a small '5' which appears on the inside of new percussion hammer, breechplug tang, and bbl. With bayonet". CONDITION: Metal surfaces are brown/gray with scattered pitting. Ramrod is cleaned but is orig. Accompanying bayonet is brown with US surcharge and in overall good condition. Stock is sound with numerous scratches and nicks. Buttstock is scratched with soldier's intitials "HL / Co. D". 4-31272 JS196 (3,000-5,000)"
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Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm,9mm & 12mm)
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Basic one shell
16 gauge kit
for pinfire shotgun
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Includes a brass
case, a cap holder, a firing pin and a long screw
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
Revive your antique guns
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