"ENFIELD SOUTH CAROLINA RIFLED MUSKET. SN 412. Cal. 58. There is little doubt this is the finest SC surcharged blockade run Enfield rifled musket in existence. It is also among and may be the best Blockade Run Enfield rifled musket in private hands. Musket exhibits raised grain in its stock. Retains almost all its orig blue finish on bbl. Traces of muted case colors are visible on lock. Gun is 1 of only a few with 5/8" "SC" letters on right side of buttstock and smaller "SC" stamped on top of comb in front of buttplate. Buttplate and ramrod are both engraved with SN 412. Accompanying bayonet is maker marked "Robinson" and still retains 1/2 the orig blue finish on its socket and is serial numbered "1660". Most Model 1853 Enfield rifled muskets have 39" bbls, as prescribed by English regulations; however, some SC guns, such as this, have 40" bbls, and this gun is .58 cal, as opposed to .577. We know this caliber due to the final gauging proof of "24" which translates to .580 caliber. As with most serial numbered, Blockade Run, Confederate guns, a "JS" over anchor proof is stamped behind trigger guard and buttstock. This marking on this example is especially well struck. Behind the "JS/Anchor" proof is the stock maker's mark "Isaac Hollis & Sons". According to Mr. Michel's notes, this gun was orig purchased from Bannerman in the 1930s. Mr. Michel’s Notes State: “Pattern 53 Enfield rifled musket with buttstock stamped “SC” designating shipment to South Carolina. Lockplate marked, forward of hammer, “Tower / 1862” and at tail with crown. Under buttstock is stamped “Isaac Hollis & Sons” and “JS” over anchor. The buttplate tang is engraved with numbers typical of those associated with Enfields imported by the Confederacy, in this case 412. The breech is a special, octagonal, patent breech. The piece is in almost mint, unfired condition, having been purchased originally from the ????????? in the 1930s,” CONDITION: Bbl is smooth and retains 95%+ orig blue finish with light pitting at breech. Bbl muzzle is scratched from where bayonet has been attached. Lock is gray and smooth with traces of muted case color. Rifling in bore is well-defined, though pitted. Brass nose cap, trigger guard, and buttplate are smooth with scattered scratches. Stock shows raised grain on some surfaces. Several dings and gouges are scattered on stock surface. Vice mark is present on both sides of stock forward of lock. Buff leather sling that is attached is overall very good. Locking ring on bayonet is broken and missing a piece approx. 1/4". This locking ring could easily be replaced. Bayonet socket retains about 50% of its blue finish. Bayonet has accompanying scabbard which is very good overall with a soiled buff frog. Frog is English War Dept. inspected. 4-31308 JS126 (15,000-18,000)"
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Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
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