"ENFIELD RIFLED MUSKET. SN 8450. Cal. 577. This is a standard Model 1853 Enfield rifled musket; the most popular weapon of the Confederate infantryman during the Civil War. Lock is marked "1861 / L. A. Co." forward of hammer, and rear of hammer with a crown and "VR". "VR" commemorated the current British monarch, Queen Victoria (Victoria Regina). Stock has about a 7/8" cartouche which reads "London Armory Company / 1861". SN is cut into buttplate tang. London Armory muskets are not found with a "JS / anchor" marked as are most other serial numbered Blockade Run Enfields. Accompanied by leather sling and bayonet with engraved numbers on socket, engraved vertically in 2 lines "23 / 156". Initials "AP" are found carved on left side of buttstock, probably by the Confederate who carried this gun. Mr. Michel’s Notes State: “Patten 53 Enfield rifled musket manufactured by London Armory Co., a principal supplier of arms to the Confederacy. Lockplate marked, forward of the hammer, “1861 / L. A. Co.” and at the tail, crown over “VR”. The tang of the buttplate is engraved with the inventory number “8450” used to keep track of arms shipments to the Confederacy.” PROVENANCE: Ben Michel collection. CONDITION: Bbl is brown with areas of pitting. Bbl flat at tang has been ground, continuing onto tang. Bbl exhibits discernible rifling, though pitted. Lock is gray with clear markings. Brass mounts are smooth with scattered dings and scrapes. Stock exhibits dings, scratches, and several small cracks. Ramrod is dark and pitted, matching condition of bbl. Bayonet socket exhibits traces of finish and blade is cleaned. 4-31310 JS141 (4,000-6,000)"
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16 gauge kit
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case, a cap holder, a firing pin and a long screw
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
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