"ENFIELD RIFLED MUSKET. Cal. 58. NSN. Short rifled musket with 32-1/2” rnd bbl, saber bayonet mount on right side at muzzle with two bands & brass forend cap with slotted head ramrod. It has a square base front sight bayonet lug stamped "520" with 1,000 yd ladder rear sight marked “C” on left side with “1861” dated lockplate. Mounted in a 1-pc walnut stock with brass trigger guard & buttplate. Top flat of bbl by nipple is hand stamped in tiny letters “SERGT. JERRY FISHER / CO. D. 147. P.V.V.” Accompanied by a German made orig saber bayonet stamped on the butt "52x" (the last digit being indiscernible) with a knight’s head on left ricasso with a 22-3/8” Yaghatan blade with unstopped fuller, iron crossguard with muzzle ring and checkered black composition scales with eagle head pommel without scabbard. Jeremiah Fisher enrolled in the 147th Regt PA Vol. Inf. on 13 Aug, 1861 and was discharged at the end of the war on 15 July 1865. During those four years he attained the rank of Sergeant. His unit participated in many of the major battles of Civil War including Cedar Mtn., 2nd Bull Run, Antietam, Harper’s Ferry, Leesburg, Winchester Chancellorsville (where the unit was decimated losing about 1/3 of its number in battle). They fought at Gettysburg on 1 July to the right of Round Top and the next two days at Culp’s Hill. From there they fought at Lookout Mtn. and Ringgold and afterward moved with Sherman in the Atlanta campaign and again fought at Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mtn. & Peachtree Creek. They continued with Sherman to the sea and then turned north through the Carolinas marching all the way to Washington where they were mustered out July 15, 1865. Sgt. Fisher was born March 1, 1843 and died Oct. 11, 1931. Accompanied by a large packet of Sgt. Fisher’s unit muster rolls and pension application & misc. correspondence. CONDITION: Good. No orig finish remains being a cleaned patina overall with moderate to heavy pitting over bbl & bands with light pitting on lockplate & hammer. Stock has a crack in front & back of lockplate and another on left side panel with a plugged hole in bottom of stock and some filled areas with several light nicks & dings and retains an old oil applied finish. Mechanics are fine. Bayonet has a dark patina with fine pitting. Handle shows heavy wear. 4-32818 JR448 (6,000-10,000)"
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Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm,9mm & 12mm)
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Basic one shell
16 gauge kit
for pinfire shotgun
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Includes a brass
case, a cap holder, a firing pin and a long screw
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
Revive your antique guns
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