SAVAGE NORTH FIGURE-8 NAVY PERCUSSION REVOLVER. Cal. 36. SN 369. Usual configuration with 6-3/4” tapered oct bbl, solid 6-shot cyl. It has rnd iron frame with figure-8 triggerguard, the bottom ring of which cocks the hammer & rotates the cyl with the trigger in the top ring. It has the creeping rammer. It also has 2-pc walnut grips. Right grip has a nicely carved, script “JM”. Only about 100 of these rare revolvers were made in period 1856-1859. CONDITION: Very good to fine, all matching including grips. No orig finish remains being an even gray/brown patina overall with some fine pitting. Grips show moderate to heavy wear with minor nicks & scratches and retain most of a restored finish. Left grip has a chip at the rear edge. Hammer screw may be a replacement. Occasionally will not rotate to full cock. It appears that the sear spring is weak and will not engage the sear notch, otherwise mechanics are fine, worn dark bore. 4-30451 JR310 (10,000-15,000)
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