"CONFEDERATE ALTERATION OF MARTIAL FLINT PISTOL. SN NSN. Cal. 54. Mr. Michel describes this pistol as follows: "This pistol is the flintlock Model 1836 altered to percussion by brazing a bolster to the location of the orig touchhole. Brazed bolster and bench assembly marks are similar to those used in the alterations by Adams, but bolster seams are more crudely finished and have a more humped shape. Orig lockplate markings have all been effaced." You are bidding on a classic, Confederate, brazed bolster conversion that the armory removed all US markings, and this gun is in wonderful, "as found" condition, orig and complete in every regard. CONDITION: Metal surfaces are brown/gray with scattered pitting. Stock retains much of its orig varnish with numerous old scrapes, nicks, and gouges. Residual inspector cartouche is still present. 4-31357 JS184 (3,000-5,000)"
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