"KERR REVOLVER. SN 1493. Cal. approx 44. Mr. Michel, in his notes, describes this gun as follows: "This 5-cylinder revolver is the product of the London Armory Company, with whom Caleb Huse made one of his first contacts in his effort to procure arms for the Confederacy. In addition to stands of longarms, London Armory furnished the Kerr revolvers in significant numbers. Those with Confederate association, as this one, are struck with the 'JS'/anchor mark, the same as those that appear on the longarms. This mark on the pistol is on the underside of the checkered grips below the trigger guard plate. The lockplate of this revolver is engraved 'London Armory' and the frame is marked with the serial number 'Kerr's Patent 1493'. This is a particularly fine specimen with considerable amounts remaining of the original fine blue finish". This is a very fine example of the Blockade Run "JS"/anchor marked Kerr revolver. It is also a very low SN, associated with Confederate Kerrs. CONDITION: Bbl and cyl retain 60-80% orig bright blue finish with areas of scattered staining. Face of cyl has several cuts and dings. Frame and lock retain traces of orig finish. Stocks show little wear, retaining orig varnish. "JS"/anchor markings are crisp, though partially obscured by checkering. 4-31372 JS110 (7,000-10,000)"
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