"WEBLEY "WEDGE-FRAME" ARMY REVOLVER. SN 2361. Cal. approx. 44. Mr. Michel describes this scarce Confederate import as follows: "The five chambered 'Wedge-Frame' Webley double action percussion revolver was, although generally unrecognized as such, a revolver that was imported in some number to the Confederacy. Less well recognized as an imported revolver in the hands of Confederate troops than the more well-known Kerr or Tranter revolvers, these are no less deserving of a place in the panoply of Confederate arms. The top of the frame is marked only 'London' and the side of the frame 'J. Adams'. The left side of the frame is marked 'Patent No. 2361'". CONDITION: Metal surfaces are gray/brown with scattered staining and pitting. Traces of finish are found in protected areas. Stocks worn over checking with traces of orig varnish present. Front blade site and wedge are replacements. 4-31374 JS112 (2,000-4,000)"
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