"DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN PISTOL. SN NSN. Approx. 24 ga. This is amost unusual, "attic" condition weapon you will see. Mr. Michel, in his notes, states: "Double barrel caliber 58 pistol with unmarked lockplates. While there is absolutely nothing of Confederate manufacture about this pistol, it is precisely the sort of weapon a Confederate cavalryman, lacking a good Colt pistol, would put to use in unseating his opponent. Interestingly, the long tang of the breech ends in a screw hole replaced with a loop, perfect for the attachment of a leather thong to suspend this weapon at the owner's side. Another hole also appears at the end of the stock where apparently another loop at one time wore away the surrounding wood". CONDITION: Gun appears in "as found" condition. Metal surfaces are gray/brown with scattered scratches and pitting. Brass surfaces have patina in deep areas. 4-31376 JS106 (500-1,000)"
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