"GRISWOLD 1ST MODEL REVOLVER, SN 518. Cal. 36. First models of all revolvers, especially in the first 700 guns, have a lower survival rate than other Griswold's. These earlier guns according to some experts were made by different workers in the later production guns. These guns lack Roman numerals but otherwise are similarly marked to later first model and standard production guns. This gun exhibits serial number "518" on cylinder, bbl housing, and frame on the right side. A secondary number "18" is found on triggerguard, backstrap and correctly penciled inside stocks. A cryptic “B” is found on the brass parts but is not discernible on cylinder or bbl. All major parts of this gun are orig with several screws, mainspring, and wedge being replacements. A name “W. A. JONES” is stamped on bottom of back strap. While trying to research who W. A. Jones could be; a Confederate soldier with this name shows up in most every Confederate state. CONDITION: Metal surfaces are black with pitting. Serial numbers are discernible, weak on bbl housing. Brass is cleaned showing numerous nicks, scrapes and scratches. Stocks are sound as refinished with several chips a crack on right side. 4-32951 JS508 (15,000-20,000)"
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