"DWM 1904 NAVY REWORK. SN 69. Cal. 9 mm. This was the first Luger variation to be adopted by the German military. Only a few examples are known to exist. This gun was reworked to 4" by the Naval Ordinance in the 1920's with a new bbl, receiver, and grips. This gun retains about 75% of the orig rework blue with light to medium pitting on many surfaces and about 20% of the orig straw with similar putting. This gun appears on pages 76 and 77 of the early Luger book Luger Variations by Harry Jones, which was published in 1959. He commented that this gun was the only example available for him to obtain a photograph and/or information. It appears today the same as it did then, almost 50 years ago. CONDITION: The bore is worn and pitted. Gun is all matching except for the receiver, magazine, and grips which were replaced when the gun was reworked. The orig frame retains the orig lead main spring in front of the rear grip strap. During the rework, the grip safety was removed and the safety lever was altered to be safe in the up position. The replacement receiver retains its orig number; "36", and has a "1920" Reichswar stamp above the chamber. The bbl was also shortened during the rework and numbered to the gun, both the bbl and receiver have post-1904 era Navy proofs. The bbl's orig number is still partially visible, and the suffix letter: "b" remains, The orig toggle, with 90 degree checkering, is missing the toggle lock, which would have been removed during the rework. The front toggle has the orig "short eared" extractor. "N 1728" ( a Naval Unit Mark) was added to the rear grip strap during the Nazi era. 4-32997 (15,000-20,000)"
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