DWM POLICE ORDINANCE CUTAWAY. SN 2990g. Cal. 9mm. Although this rare Luger was not cut away at the factory, as evident by proof marks and signs of issue, it does appear to have been done by the Weimar era Police, and its sear safety is still intact. Its cutaway pattern is not a standard factory pattern and the barrel has been pinned to prevent it from falling out as a result of the cuts. It comes with a very good black leather 1938 Luger holster with an original Navy Eagle M proof mark. Luger cutaways from this era are extremely rare and desirable. Accompanied by a 1941 dated poster showing parts, nomenclature & cutaway drawings of P08 luger pistols, in German. CONDITION: Gun retains about 85% of the original factory blue with light pitting overall and about 30% of the original straw with similar pitting. Bore is worn and pitted. Gun is all matching except for takedown lever and grips. Red paint in the cuts appears to be original to the period. Walnut grips are very good and appear to have been original to the gun when cutaway was done. Original Police magazine is not a cutaway and the numbers do not match. Poster shows slight yellowing with minor foxing. 4-33228 BS45 (3,000-4,000)
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