"DWM LUGER DATED 1912 IDENTIFIED TO GRENADIER REGIMENT WITH HOLSTER RIG. SN 3521. Cal. 9 mm. Rare unit identified early Luger with 4" bbl, DWM scroll on front toggle link, "26 JD 27" & "1912" over chamber & "119.R.12.15." on front grip strap (that is the 119th Wurttenbergisches Grenadier Regiment 12th Company, weapon #15.). This regiment was part of the 26th Infantry Division which distinguished itself as a Shock Division at Arras. Accompanied by two matching numbered wood base magazines & an orig brown leather holster which is also stamped "26 JD 27" (like the pistol) on back & has an orig takedown tool, pin punch & cleaning rod. Inside flap is marked in ink script "Mo 69302 / Ltw. Adolf / Uhl." A complete, intact, as issued WWI Luger rig. PROVENANCE: Doug Smith Collection CONDITION: Extremely fine, all matching including both magazines & grips. Overall retains about 95-96% strong orig factory blue & about 30-40% orig factory straw colors. Grips show moderate wear with checkering mostly filled with hand grease & dirt. One magazine is extremely fine & the other very fine. Takedown tool, pin punch & cleaning rod are also very fine. Mechanics are crisp, strong bore, frosted in grooves. Holster is sound showing light to moderate wear with some flexing in flap & retains 85-90% strong brown finish. 4-36144 JR208 & BS (3,500-5,000)"
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