"DWM 1902 FAT BARREL COMMERCIAL LUGER. SN 23094. Cal. 9 mm. Early commercial Luger with 4" heavy bbl (fat bbl) with dished toggles & grip safety. It has DWM scroll on front toggle link with bug proofs on bottom of bbl & "BU" proofs on left side of receiver. Front of frame has "GERMANY" export mark under serial number. Accompanied by an orig "CAL 9 MM" marked wood base magazine. A very rare model that is extremely difficult to find in any condition. PROVENANCE: Doug Smith Collection. CONDITION: Very fine, all matching except grips, firing pin & hold-open which are correctly unnumbered. Overall retains about 97% orig blue & 85% orig straw colors. Grips & magazine are extremely fine with sharp checkering & beautiful wood grain. Grip screws retain about 60% fire blued finish. Mechanics are crisp, bore is bright & sharp with very minor frosting. 4-36150 JR176 & BS (15,000-20,000)"
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