Exceptional Cased Pair of Multi-Color Gold-Inlaid Percussion Pocket Pistols by Anton
Vincent Lebeda of Prague, c. 1850
3 1/4-inch octagonal etched, twist-steel barrels finished in-the-white and inlaid in
two-colors of gold void-shaped panels formed along each of the barrels' eight edges with
A.V. LEBEDA IN PRAG (No. 1 pistol) and A. V. LEBEDA A' PRAGUE (No. 2 pistol) and floral
scrolls. The panels are highlighted by blackened backgrounds, muzzles and breeches with
two-color gold arabesques; barrel tangs and stepped lockplates embellished en suite;
hammer adorned with two-color gold scrollwork with perched birds. Finely checkered
triggers, varnished walnut half-stocks carved at grips with floral scrollwork surrounding
four panel scenes of mythological themes. The stocks are set with gold escutcheon
shield-form plates surmounted by crowns and engraved with the intertwined initials W.W.;
mounted with scroll-engraved triggerguards each gold-inlaid with a family crest surmounted
by a crown, four-sided scalloped gripcaps bearing a checkered pattern and two-color gold
scroll inlay. Horn mallet with polished German-silver loading tip, blued ball mold with
polished steel sprue-cutter, horn-handled nipple wrench, pressed-horn bag flask (lever
broken) with wire stitching, the whole contained within a rosewood veneered case having a
waisted-rectangular shape and lined with red velour (now turned to dusty rose) and having
a gilt-stamped red silk interior to lid (also fading to a dusty rose).
Condition: Excellent, case lid interior lining with some wear to
surface and gilt-stamping and expected fading of silk lining's color, case lacking one
compartment lid.
Note: Anton Vincent Lebeda, Prague 1797-1857. See Der Neue Stockel, p. 690.
Provenance: Warren Anderson Collection
Estimate: $25000 - $35000
Martin Auctions