Rare and Exceptional Antique Folding French Bowie Knife by Vauthier, c.1840
A large, 17 7/8" overall length in the open position, and weighing 1 pound 2
ounces. The ricasso of the 12 5/8" long x 3/16" thick x 1 1/16th-inch wide blade
is hot stamped VAUTHIER RUE, DAUPHINE No 34 in two lines, and the location PARIS in a
small circle to the right of the name. The blade has a 3 1/2" false edge, no nicks to
the edge, a long, sharp, full tip, and has never been sharpened. It also has almost the
entire original crocus of iron polish on the blade. The 8 7/16" portion of the 12
5/8" blade extending beyond the lower of the two cross guards when the blade is in
the closed demonstrates that this is a large and formidable weapon, even in the closed
position. The blade locks in the 12 5/8" long open position with a typical
French-style ring release. In the closed blade position, the blade locks securely, and is
released by pressing a German silver oval release button in the middle of the ivory grip
scale. The large 3 5/8" long x I 3/16-inches wide x 3/16-inches thick ivory scales
are exceptional, original to the period with no chips or cracks, with beautiful age patina
that only comes from 150 years of natural aging and oils transferred from handling. Each
scale has a carved three-dimensional raised center panel secured by six German silver
pins, with iron liners. The mounts of this fine folder are typical French iron bolsters,
with the early 1830's Sheffield-style double crossguard at both ends of the hilt. The
Master pin and lock back release ring are iron, as are the four-crossguard quillons with
median ridges that are shaped by hand filing. The integral top bolster, crossguard, and
lock back release are engraved on both sides with about 20 very fine hand-chiseled line
engravings. The fine original sheath is rarer than the knife, as almost all were lost over
time and are missing. The sheath is constructed of hand carved wood, and is covered with
select-grained leather with embossed borders on both sides. The edges of the iron throat
and tip are scalloped and the original large belt stud intact. The sheath tip with
chisel-engraved ball finial with a swirl pattern.
Condition: Near mint. It has never been sharpened, only lightly
carried, and is among the finest French folding Bowie knives in existence; and is in 100%
original and untouched condition. The sheath is near mint with minor spotting and patina
to mounts.
Note: This is an early, rare, and near mint, unsharpened extended blade, lockback
folding Bowie knife with carved ivory scales by the early and noted French maker VAUTHIER,
circa 1840; possibly a little earlier. Very few antique French knives are maker marked;
and the ones that were marked were usually of the best quality made by a few well-known
manufacturers. In the 19th century there was little law and order, and it was "every
man for himself". Men were constantly at risk of being waylaid by thugs, and
typically carried a single-shot cap and ball percussion pistol or brace of pistols for
self-protection. As a back up weapon they would usually carry a folding knife in their
pocket, vest, or a side knife on their belt. This belt worn style of extended blade Bowie
was introduced as an alternative to the then popular sword cane carried as a self-defense
weapon. This unusual French extended bladed Bowie knife was designed primarily as a
self-defense weapon. However, it could also be used as a large hunting knife with more
functionality in the field when used as a camp knife or for dressing large game. Thus, it
had more appeal than the similar (and equally rare) thin bladed dirk style extended blade
Sheffield dirks of the 1830's that could only be used for stabbing and slashing as a self
protection back up weapon. Even then the "bigger is better" rationale prevailed.
A man with a large heavy Bowie knife like this would have a distinct advantage, and could
possibly deter an assault from a would-be assailant with a sword cane or a smaller knife.
Estimate: $10000 - $15000
Martin Auctions