12 Gauge G. Hemenway Hammer Double Barrel Shotgun
Serial no. 174. 12 gauge. 28 inch Damascus barrels. Game rib with dove-tail extension.
Casehardened action with border engraving with foliate scroll details and small game
scenes of pheasant and grouse. Bar-action locks. Checkered pistolgrip stock of slightly
figured walnut. Hard rubber buttplate and grip cap. Checkered splinter fore-end.
Condition: Very Good, as partially redone Bores show heavy frosting
and light pitting. Left barrel show numerous dents, one large. Barrels show older rebluing
over large areas of pitting. Enlarged area in left barrel. Action/barrels show looseness.
Refinished wood shows nicks and scratches.
Note: Data: Barrel dimensions: Bores: 0.708/0.708 inches. Chokes: 0.0 /0.0 inches
(Cylinder). Chambers: 2 5/8 inches. Proof: Birmingham, Black powder, 14, 14.
Minimum Wall Thickness: 0.015 inches (Note: Wall Thickness is well below the recommended
minimum). Stock Dimensions: Pull: 14 1/8 inches. Drop at comb: inches. Drop at heel:
inches. Weight: 7 pounds, 4 ounces.
Provenance: Note: Gun is deemed unsafe to fire until gun is repaired and reproved.
Estimate: $300 - $400