12 gauge Parker DHE Double Barrel Shotgun 2 Barrel Set
Serial no 189350. 12-gauge. 30-inch and 32 1/4-inch barrels. 30 inch Titanic barrel
with matted concave rib. 32 1/4-inch Special Steel barrels with matted flat ventilated rib
marked: Parker Bros. Makers. Meriden. CT. U.S.A. Parker Spec. Steel. Casehardened number 1
1/2-frame engraved with foliate scroll and game scenes: pointer, setter and four
pheasants. Ejectors. Single selective trigger. Automatic safety. Finely checkered
pistolgrip stock of well-figured light colored walnut. Drop points. Vacant silver oval.
Later Silver's type recoil pad. Finely checkered splinter fore-ends for each set of
Condition: Fine, as partially redone. 30-inch barrels show 90-95%
bluing with some faded areas and numerous scratches. Right barrel shows numerous light to
medium dents. Left barrel shows a slight dent. Bright bores with some riveling. 32-inch
barrels show 99% reblued finish with filled vent holes on lower ribs. Left barrel shows a
slight dent. Bright bores. Action / 30-inch barrels show slight looseness. Action /
32-inch barrels show looseness. Action shows 10-15% case colors in protected areas.
Refinished stock shows handling marks and a few nicks. Refinished fore-end (30-inch
barrels) shows handling marks. Fore-end (32-inch barrels) shows handling marks and losses
to finish.
Note: While the 32-inch barrels are numbered to the gun, it appears that they were a
later addition.
Data: Barrel Dimensions: 30-inch: Bore: 0.739/0.735-inches. Chokes: 0.028/0.040-inches
[special steel] (Improved Modified/Full). Chambers: 2 5/8-inches. Minimum Wall Thickness:
0.020-inches. 32-inches Bore: 0.732/0.730-inches. Chokes: 0.034/0.037-inches (Improved
Modified/Full). Chambers: 2 3/4-inches. Proof: Parker Gun Works Overload Proof. Minimum
Wall Thickness: 0.026-inches. Stock Dimensions: Pull: 13 1/2 -inches. Drop at comb: 1
5/8-inches. Drop at heel: 2 5/8 -inches. Cast: none. Weight: 7 pounds, 13 ounces.
Estimate: $4500 - $6500