A Henry Holland Double Barrel Percussion Combination Sporting Rifle and Shotgun
Serial no. undetermined, .58 caliber rifled left barrel, 12 gauge smoothbore right
barrel; 26-inch side by side Damascus finish barrels, with top of rib inscribed; H.
HOLLAND 98 NEW BOND STREET. LONDON. Each lockplate inscribed H. HOLLAND. Solid top rib
with Damascus finish and with express sights graduated for 100, 200 and 300 yards, and
stationery sight likely for 50 yards; blued steel blade front sight dovetailed at muzzle.
Patent breech barrel; each nipple bolster with platinum inlay. Alternating open and fine
scroll engraving on locks, breech, triggerplate, triggerguard, and main ramrod thimble;
panel scenes on lockplates of pheasant on right, grouse on left; pointer flushing pheasant
on triggerguard; plain silver oval escutcheon inlaid on bottom of buttstock; sling swivel
studs. Brown, Damascus finish barrels; with case-hardened locks, upper tang, barrel
breech, and trigger plate. Blued buttplate, patchbox and triggerguard. Oil-stained and
checkered select walnut stock. Brass mounted ramrod. Length of pull 14 1/2-inch. Weight,
approximately 9 pounds.
Condition: Fine to excellent. Barrels 95% Damascus finish, possibly
very old refurbish; some wear and light patina; locks and buttplate gray and brown patina,
light pitting; patchbox 85% blue; bores fine; screw missing from triggerguard rear tang.
Stock with light wear, nicks and mars; needs careful cleaning.
Estimate: $10000 - $15000