"DWM 1906 RUSSIAN CONTRACT LUGER. SN 567. Cal. 9 mm. Exceedingly rare Russian Luger with 4" bbl, DWM scroll on front toggle link & crossed Moisin Nagant rifles over chamber (official long rifle of Imperial Russia). It has Cyrillic markings on safety & extractor and has a grip safety. Accompanied by an orig wood base commercial magazine marked in script "Cal 9 m/m". This is one of the most rare of all the contract Lugers with only about 1,000 produced in 1906. This is possibly the finest original example in the world. PROVENANCE: Doug Smith Collection. CONDITION: Extraordinarily fine, near new, possibly unfired. Overall retains about 99% orig factory blue & about 97-98%% orig straw colors, slightly thinned on thumb safety, trigger & lock bolt. Grips are sharp & crisp with beautiful wood grain. Magazine is near new with a few minor nicks on wood base. Crisp mechanics & brilliant shiny bore. Altogether an exceptional Luger for any model but especially for the Russian Contract model. 4-36102 JR186 & BS (25,000-35,000)"
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