"DWM 1913 COMMERCIAL LUGER & RIG. SN 71338. Cal. 9 mm. Very rare commercial model with 4" bbl, DWM scroll on front toggle link, grip safety & no stock lug. Gesichert safety marked in upper position. Grips & magazines are properly unnumbered with "D" inspector initials inside grips. It has commercial crown "N" proof on left side of receiver. Mounted with full checkered wood grips. Accompanied by two correct plain wood base magazines, cleaning rod & pin punch in an orig brown leather commercial holster with the correct leather covered buckle. It would be extremely difficult to find a better example of this rare model. PROVENANCE: Doug Smith Collection. CONDITION: Extraordinarily fine, all matching except grips, magazines & firing pin which are properly unnumbered. Overall retains 98-99% strong orig factory blue with only faint muzzle edge wear. A small corner of left grip is broken under safety but the chip is still in place. Magazines, pin punch & rod are all extremely fine. Mechanics are crisp, brilliant shiny bore. Holster is equally new with only very minor light handling marks. 4-36105 JR193 & BS (15,000-20,000)"
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