"DWM 1906 BULGARIAN 7-SHOT "GL" MARKED BABY LUGER. SN 55076B. Cal. 30 Luger. Extremely rare Luger & possibly the only one known, with 3-1/4" bbl, DWM scroll on toggle link and Bulgarian crest above chamber. It has "GL" (Georg Luger's initials) at back of rear toggle link. This is a "B" range prototype serial number. This orig magazine was manufactured for seven shots and is not a cut-down longer magazine. Grip straps have been cut and welded to shorten the frame and orig matching numbered grips have been cut and spliced to fit. This Luger is so important that it was featured on the cover and on four pages (58 through 61) of Luger: The Multi-National Pistol, Kenyon. It is believed to have been made by George Luger as a gift in connection with the Bulgarian Luger contracts. Of the three original 7-shots that are known this is the finest. This rare and spectacular Luger would be an important addition to any collection. PROVENANCE: Doug Smith Collection. CONDITION: Fantastic, all orig condition, all numbered parts are matching. Overall retains about 97% orig blue & about 85% orig straw colors. Grips are very fine to extremely fine with light wear & a few nicks in the checkering but no cracks or chips and shows a beautiful wood grain. Magazine is extremely fine. Mechanics are crisp, bright shiny bore. 4-36109 JR177 & BS (75,000-125,000)"
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