"CUSTOM 45 CALIBER LUGER. Cal. 45 ACP. Unusual & rare custom built Luger, made completely from scratch with 5" bbl with eight lands & grooves with right hand twist, usual Luger style fixed sights, no markings & no serial number. Handmade, probably one of a kind. It visually resembles an orig 45 caliber Luger but does not have precisely correct dimensions so was probably made by simply scaling up an orig Luger. Quality of work is exceptional. Mechanics closely resemble an orig Luger with minor exceptions such as; magazine latches at bottom, it has no safety, no hold open (although there is cutout recess where maker apparently intended to install one) & the firing pin is pinned in place. It appears to function & has been fired. It would have taken a skilled machinist a lot of time & talent to create this unique piece. This cataloger can attest to the skill required for this project having been, in another life, a machinist, mold-maker & pattern-maker. PROVENANCE: Doug Smith Collection CONDITION: Extremely fine. Finish is in the white with very minor spots of discoloration and one or two small spots of surface corrosion. Magazine is equally fine, right grip is slightly bowed, otherwise grips are sound showing very light wear. Trigger & sear do not engage, probably a minor correctable issue, otherwise mechanics are fine & it appears that with the sear issue corrected, would function fine, very bright shiny bore. 4-36116 JR199 & BS (10,000-15,000)"
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