"MARLIN MODEL 1895 LEVER ACTION CARBINE. SN 263489. Cal. 40-70. Scarce carbine in a rare caliber with 22" rnd bbl, full magazine, two bbl bands, Beach's combination front sight & carbine ladder rear sight graduated to 2,000 yards. The front bbl band has been slightly altered to accommodate the folding front sight. Top of receiver is marked "MARLIN SAFETY" and the model number is on top tang. Top of receiver has two plugged holes apparently from an old scope or sight mount. Mounted with nicely figured, straight grain, uncheckered American walnut with straight stock & carbine buttplate. Rear band & bottom of stock have factory sling swivels. Mr. Clapp's notes state that it is one of only possibly three made in this caliber. PROVENANCE: Leland Clapp Collection. CONDITION: About fine. Metal retains a smooth even blue/brown patina, slightly thinner on magazine tube. Rear band has fine pitting. Forearm has a crack in tip, otherwise wood is sound and retains most of an old restored finish. Mechanics are fine, bright shiny bore. 4-36093 JR31 (3,500-5,000)"
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