"MARLIN MODEL 1889 LEVER ACTION SADDLE RING CARBINE. SN 86394. Cal. 44 WCF (44-40). Rare Model 1889 carbine with 20" rnd bbl, full magazine, square base front sight with German silver blade & carbine ladder rear sight graduated to 900 yards. Mounted with very highly figured, uncheckered American walnut with straight stock & carbine buttplate. Receiver, lever, hammer & buttplate are all beautifully case colored. Serial number was observed in its usual place on bottom of receiver, again on left side of upper tang under wood & inside buttplate. However, it was not observed in usual places on buttstock indicating that it probably is an outstanding replacement. There is a staple & ring in left side of receiver. CONDITION: Very fine. Overall retains virtually all of its fine Turnbull style restored finish to both metal & wood with strong rust blue & brilliant case colors. Wood is sound with a fine custom finish. Mechanics are fine, brilliant shiny bore. 4-37206 JR49 (4,000-7,000)"
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