"MARLIN MODEL 1893 DELUXE TAKEDOWN LEVER ACTION RIFLE. SN 163174. Cal. 30-30. 26" oct bbl, full mag Takedown, Rocky Mountain nickel front sight, sporting rear with set screw, muzzle and chamber area have platinum and gold bands. Exposed flat of bbls in chamber area have about 1-3/4" wedged circular scroll engraving. Forend cap has scroll engraving and gold band. Takedown ring has scroll engraving and gold band below bbl. The #10 engraved receiver has leaf and vine engraving with punch-dot background surrounding an oval vignette of cow and bull elk feeding in a wooden scene surrounded by gold wire on left side of receiver. Right side has leaf and vine with punch-dot background surrounding a circle vignette of a squirrel perched on branch of a tree with gold wire border. Bolt is engraved with leaves with punch-dot background and a circle having a clover leaf design of scroll with gold wire border. Hammer has squiggly scroll and gold wire outline. Buttplate tang is engraved with a circular open floral design with punch-dot background and gold wire border around tang. Mounted with colorful, nicely figured walnut with G-style checkered serpentine pistol grip, crescent butt and G-style checkered forend. Accompanied with Cody Firearms Museum fact sheet identifying it as a 30-30, 26" oct bbl Takedown, pistol grip, rubber butt, shipped Feb. 28, 1898. With this gun is the original checkered forend and damaged factory stock that has also been severely shortened. CONDITION: As new from restoration. Bbl and mag tube retain nearly all of their factory quality restored blue finish. Takedown ring, receiver, hammer, lever and buttplate retain all of their fine factory quality restored case colors. Duplicated butt stock and forend have crisp checkering and retain all of their fine factory quality restored finish. Mechanics are crisp with a fine shiny bore. 4-37220 BDT152 (12,500-17,500)"
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