"JAPANESE TYPE 99 ARISAKA SNIPER SHORT RIFLE. SN 6861. Cal. 7.7 Jap. This is a type 99 short rifle with a 2.5X scope in a receiver side mount vs. the usual 4X scope encountered on most Japanese sniper rifles making this a fairly rare piece. It has a 25-1/2" bbl with standard Type 99 sights, the rear with orig aircraft wings. The serial number and arsenal mark have been moved from the side of receiver to rear receiver bridge to accommodate scope mount. The mum has been ground. Mounted in usual laminated 2-pc birch stock with hand guard and sheet metal buttplate. Left side of receiver has the usual non-adjustable scope mount containing a Koghku 2.5X scope. CONDITION: Fine. Metal retains most of its orig arsenal finish, slightly thinned on floorplate, beginning to patinate where mum was ground. Scope retains about 95% orig black enamel. Wood is sound with nicks & dings and retains strong orig finish. Mechanics are fine, bright shiny bore, crisp optics. 4-31826 (4,500-6,500)"
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm, 9mm & 12mm)
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