"US INLAND M1A1 PARATROOPER CARBINE. SN 454757. Cal. 30 Carbine. Usual configuration with orig Inland bbl dated "6-43" without bayonet lug. It has push button safety, 2-position flip rear sight and the flat top bolt. Mounted in its orig walnut stock with pistol grip and folding skeleton wire butt and canvas sling. Both sides of stock below receiver, have the crudely carved initials "J-B". Accompanied by its orig "1943" dated canvas paratrooper's case with leg strap. Also accompanied by copies of a letter from Brig. Gen. James H. Batte. Gen. Batte was a Lieutenant Colonel with 87th Chemical Mortar Batallion on D-Day and landed on Utah Beach. In the letter he states that this carbine came into his possession at "about noon on D-Day (6 June 1944) when a large number of gliders of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions carrying men, artillery, ammunition and various other supplies arrived in support of these two divisions and the 4th Infantry Division already on the ground and engaged successfully in expanding the area from the Utah Beach landing." He goes on to describe the location of the drop zone for the gliders which apparently was in small fields with heavy hedgerows around the perimeters. He states that "a goodly number of gliders crashed into these dirt and tree obstacles. The abrupt stop frequently caused the cargo to be discharged, especially when the wings were sheared away by trees, out of or near the front end, thereby killing or wounding many of the personnel aboard." He states that "one glider landed a few yards distant from my position and I observed a 75 mm artillery piece, which had been secured in the tail area, break loose on impact with a hedgerow and spew men and cargo out of the front end." He continues that "upon close examination, I found that all personnel had been killed. I unstrapped a carbine from a paratroopers leg and carried it throughout the ensuing five campaigns in the ETO until VE Day - 8 May 1945. Meantime, I had enscribed (sic) on the wooden forearm my initials "J-B" -- mainly for identification purposes, insomuch as, many individuals wish to have such a short length 30 caliber rifle that would fit nicely between the two front seats of my jeep." The letter concludes with a couple more sentences and is signed "James H. Batte / Brigadier General USA". Also accompanying is a copy of the "Unit History of Company A 87th Chemical Mortar Batallion" which contains the body of a letter to the officers and men of the company thanking them for their loyalty and contributions to the success of the Batallion from the landing in Normandy through the end of the war, dated "22 May 1945" and signed by Lt. Col. Batte. Consignor states that a rust brown stain over front of the canvas case is blood from the deceased paratrooper. CONDITION: Very good, all orig except trigger housing retaining pin and front sling swivel which are probably field replacements. The buttplate spring is a little weak but appears to be original. Rifle retains about 75% thin orig parkerized finish showing heavy use. Skeleton wire stock is mostly bright metal from handling & use. Stock & handguard are sound with nicks, dings & scratches and a large bruise on left side from buttplate. Canvas sling & carrying case are soiled & stained but intact & functional. Mechanics are fine, bright shiny bore. 4-33234 JR137 (4,000-7,000)"
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm, 9mm & 12mm)
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