GERMAN MAUSER MODEL 98K AX/AR41 SNIPER RIFLE. SN 8799L. Cal. 8mm. This AR41 coded sniper rifle has all matching components with the exception of the bayonet and scabbard which match each other with the SN 7143. Rifle is in excellent condition throughout and does not appear to be lacking in any way. It is accompanied the bayonet, as previously mentioned, and a leather sling. ZF41 scope is CSN manufactured and the base is DUV. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Receiver retains approximately 80% of orig blue with some high spot edge wear and turning plum. Bolt assembly retains approximately 85% of finish with the extractor showing around 50%. Bbl assembly shows approximately 70% blue which is thinning but still pleasing to the eye. Both front and middle bands are showing about 80% blue but have turned plum over the years as with the triggerguard and floorplate assembly. Earlier style flush buttplate shows patina throughout with just a little bit of fine pitting near the top. Upper handguard shows little wear but finish is thinning. Buttstock is in very good condition with just a couple of minor bruises in the area of the pistol grip. Sling is very dry with the surface finish beginning to flake off a bit but is correct for this rifle. Bayonet and scabbard are in excellent condition showing better than 95%. Telescope and mount show better than 80% finish. Scope optics appear clear. Mechanics are crisp and bore is bright and shiny but does show moderate wear. 4-34051 BK95 (2,500-3,500)
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm, 9mm & 12mm)
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