US LOT OF THREE SNIPER SCOPES. 1) Scarce Weaver Model M73B1 scope for 03A4 rifles with orig parkerized Redfield Jr. rings, two orig Redfield Jr. bases, three sets of Bakelite scope covers and an M-67 canvas carrying case. 2)Kollmorgen MC840-P with large turrets mounted in a Griffin & Howe 2-lever mount with side mount for Garand M1-C rifle and an M65 canvas carrying case. 3) Hensoldt short tube scope in an FN/FAL mount with serial number 8267. Scope has three turrets with German markings. Accompanied by an orig matching numbered hard canvas carrying case. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: 1) Scope has streaks & spots of surface rust and light pitting from the rawhide scope cover connector, otherwise retains most of its orig factory blue. Optics are crisp. Rings, bases & scope covers retain most of their orig finish. 2) Scope retains most of its orig enamel finish with some slight losses under rear ring. Optics are fine. Mounts are fine showing slight wear. 3) Appears to be new and unused with crisp optics. 4-34194 JR125 (1,000-2,000)
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm, 9mm & 12mm)
How does it work?
