"WINCHESTER FIELD GRADE MODEL 12 PUMP SHOTGUN SN 748427. Cal. 28 ga. Standard field grade 28" 2-7/8" chambered, full choke, plain bbl with sgl silver sighting bead. Mounted with uncheckered, straight grain, American walnut, pistol grip stock with 14" over Winchester hard rubber buttplate with small 14 ring field style forend. Bore restrictions: N/A. Wall thickness: N/A. Bore diameter: N/A Drop at heel: 2-3/8", drop at comb: 1-3/8". Weight 6 lbs, 11 oz. CONDITION: Very good. All metal surfaces retain 97-98% of a professional factory quality restoration. Stock is sound with a small chip repair in upper left side of pistol grip. Stock has had a light coat of rubbed on finish, with numerous usual hunting nick, dings and scratches. Forend has 60% of a fine restored finish with a minor gouge on the left side. Gun is an original 28 ga. as the back of the stock tang is stamped with the 28 number as is the magazine cutoff. Buttplate is a proper Winchester replacement. Mechanics are crisp, bore is bright and shiny. 4-59848 BT41 (3,500-5,000)"
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