"DD SWEDISH MODEL PVG-42 RECOILLESS ANTI-TANK RIFLE DESTRUCTIVE DEVICE. SN 2571. Cal. 20mm. 49" bbl. All exposed metal has heavy bluing. Front protected blade sight, rear protected peep sight. Both fold in against bbl for compact storage or transportation. Leather carry handle above canvas sleeve with padded cheek piece. Leather shoulder cushion directly below cheek pad. 1-pc wooden pistol grip in front. Weapon loads from rear via rotating breech block. A conical cylindrical blast cone attached to rear of rifle. Firing mechanism secured to bottom of rifle with linkage connecting to trigger mechanism. There is a dovetail on bbl between front and rear sights for attachment of telescopic mount just above trigger. Canvas muzzle cover, and wooden storage and transit chest also included. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Aside from being an interesting and functional piece, the condition is very good and weapon is very complete. All portions of the firing mechanism functions smooth. Bluing is dark and quite uniform with only minor scratches and some very light surface rust starting towards front of bbl. Bore is clean and shiny, and rifling is sharp. 4-34595 JZ87 (6,000-8,000)"
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