"ITALIAN BERETTA MODEL 38A MACHINE CARBINE. SN 4031. Cal. 9mm luger. 12" bbl w/ perforated bbl shroud. All exposed metal has black painted finish. Cutts style compensator. Drift adjustable post front sight, tangent rear sight(100-500 meter range of adjustment for elevation.) Dual triggers. Front trigger for semi auto fire, rear trigger for full auto fire. Safety on left side of receiver. 1-pc full wooden stock numbered to match firearm. Cover on bottom of stock surrounding mag well employs a sliding dust cover utilized when no magazine is inserted to keep action clean. Sling swivel on bbl band on left side of firearm, and corresponding sling attachment point on left side of stock. 40-rnd stick magazine included. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Fair. Paint partially worn on exposed metal parts mostly from normal handling and rack wear. Wooden stock is in good shape and looks nice. Stock also exhibits several dings and dents from rack wear handling. Mechanism when hand cycled functions correctly in both semi, and full. Safety works correctly. Upon inspecting bbl there is very light pitting in some portions, and an approximate 1/4" diameter hole (port?) approx. 3-1/8" from bore in the twelve o' clock position. 4-34649 JZ25 (7,000-9,000)"
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