"STEYR MP40 SUB MACHINE GUN. SN 1274H. Cal. 9mm. Original MP40. Manufactured by Steyr Daimelr Puch A.G and appears to have matching numbers. Waffenampts on several parts. 10" bbl w/ heat transfer bar. Hooded post front sight, fixed rear sight w/ flip-up blade for distance, plastic forend, 2-pc plastic pistol grip, brown leather sling, and under folding stock also numbered to match receiver. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Currently unserviceable although transfer paperwork indicates this sub-machine gun is a registered transferable firearm. At some point it was rendered unserviceable by plugging the bbl, but everything else appears to be correct, complete, and functional. Most metal surfaces retain little of their orig. finsh and there's a small ding above the ejection port. Plastic forend and pistol grip are both in very good condition with few blemishes. Wire folding stock functions and locks very well. 4-34650 JZ50 (15,000-18,000)"
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