"SWEEDISH K SUBMACHINE GUN. SN 302633A. Cal. 9mm luger. 8" bbl. Blue finish on all metal parts. Elevation adjustable protected post front sight, 3 position flip rear sight. Fitted with GF59 night sights. Right side folding skeletal stock with cheek pad on top. 2-pc wooden pistol grips. Unique removable magazine well; when installed allows use of standard Sweedish K M45 36-rnd magazines. When mag-well is removed it allows use of Suomi 50-rnd magazine and possibly 71-rnd drum. Leather sling. One 36-rnd magazine. Bright red safety/dust cover. PROVENANCE: Stern Collection. CONDITION: Very good. Bluing is uniform on all metal parts retaining the vast majority finish. Bluing is worn on top portion of folding stock. Metal exhibits typical light scratches and dings from standard handling and rack wear. Wooden grip panels have some minor dents and scratches. Right grip panel exhibits the letters "GAQ" stamped on right side. Deep rifling. Open bolt mechanism functions well by hand. Although gun appears to be in original condition, name appearing on form 3 is Metrotech ltd of MC Henry, Illinois, although their name does not appear to be on firearm. It is not clear if this company was simply the importer or responsible for remanufacturing firearm. Sweedish crown appears on most parts and bbl jacket 4-34662 JZ33 (12,000-16,000)"
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