"MODEL 71 CUT AWAY RIFLE. SN NSN.. Cal. 348. This standard gr. rifle is a prototype from the Winchester Custom shop, first type, long tang rifle with 24" tapered rnd bbl, pedestal front sight with hood & semi-buckhorn rear sight. It has half magazine and bolt is cut for a peep sight. Neither receiver nor bbl bears the Winchester “WP” proof and the gun is made from various parts in the custom shop. Accompanying this lot is a letter from Wm. F. Smith, whose father worked in the custom shop, implying that his father had made or removed these from the custom shop upon his retirement. Mounted with nicely figured, uncheckered, straight grain American walnut with beavertail forearm & pistol grip stock with checkered steel buttplate. Both sides of receiver, loading gate & trigger area are all cut away to expose internal workings. Left side of wrist is also cut away to expose hammer spring. Chamber area is not cut, therefore this is still a live functioning rifle and must be considered modern. CONDITION: Very fine. Metal retains most of its factory blue with minor edge wear. Stock & forearm have minor nicks & scratches with a couple of gouges on forearm & retain about 75-80% orig finish on forearm and most of orig finish on buttstock. Mechanics are crisp, bright shiny bore. 4-59853 (5,000-8,000)"
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