"CONFEDERATE ALTERATION OF MARTIAL FLINT PISTOL. SN NSN. Cal. 54. Mr. Michel describes this gun as follows: "This alteration of a flintlock Model 1836 pistol to percussion was done by T. J. Adams of Richmond, Virginia. The alteration is by use of a brazed bolster which, at the bottom, rests on the lockplate where the cut out for the original flintlock pan has been filled to make a solid base for the bolster. The lockplate shows traces of the orig A. Waters markings. The swivel ramrod is a replacement. The internal parts are marked with the Roman numeral 'XII' which also appears at the tail of the left flat opposite the lock." CONDITION: Metal surfaces, with exception of ramrod assembly, are gray/black and pitted. Lock markings are still discernible. Bbl proofs are mostly obscured. Loading assembly and hammer screw are replaced. Stock is solid with residual cartouche and some remaining varnish. Roman numeral 'XII' is cut into stock opposite lock, and a thin 1" piece of gold is inlaid adjacent to the Roman numeral. 4-31355 JS186 (3,000-5,000)"
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