"CONFEDERATE ALTERATION OF MARTIAL FLINT PISTOL. SN NSN. Cal. 54. Mr. Michel describes this brazed bbl alteration as follows: "This brazed bbl alteration to percussion of a Model 1836 pistol is attributed to D. C. Hodgkins of Macon, Georgia. Bbl is marked '* Pope E. Hill, Waycross Ga *', the significance of which is unknown, as is the marking around the muzzle of bbl, '**Tootsie R***** Mch 18, 1917'. The pitol has been polished bright. Lockplate shows traces of orig Asa Waters markings." If this pistol could only speak. Who was Tootsie, and what did she do on March 18, 1917? Since this pistol was altered in Macon, Georgia, it didn't travel a long way in 50 years to get to Waycross, Georgia, where Pope Hill gave this gun to Tootsie R. You are bidding on a rare Confederate alteration with a probable interesting post-war history. CONDITION: All metal parts of this gun are polished bright with inscription as described above. Orig markings, because of polishing, are visible but weak. Stock is sound with a couple hairline cracks, scattered scratches and dents, and residual cartouches from when it was a flint. 4-31359 JS179 (3,000-5,000)"
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