"HALF-STOCK TARGET RIFLE. SN NSN. This rifle has a 30-1/4" full oct 52 Cal rifled bbl marked "PHILADELPHIA" at the breech. The rifle has a nicely engraved back action lock signed by the maker and the 4-pc brass patch box is highly engraved with a man slaying a lion and the words "Sic Sempter Inimicis" which translated means, "Thus always to enemies". The silver cheek piece inlay is engraved with a man shooting a bow and arrow, and the initials of a previous owner are engraved on an oval inlay opposite the lock. PROVENANCE: R. Gabel Collection. CONDITION: Average used condition with minor cracks and blemishes throughout but all orig and complete. Back action lock needs adjustment to work. Bore is rough. 4-31703 RGG22 (3,000-5,000)"
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm, 7mm, 9mm & 11/12mm)
does it work?
