"HALF-STOCK RIFLE SN NSN. Elaborate half-stock rifle has 34-1/8" full oct 41 Cal rifled bbl signed in script "AZB Philada". Completely silver mounted, featuring 11" silver engraved toe plate with three oval piercings and 6-1/2" silver comb inlay. Nine silver inlays include 6" depiction of arrow through heart under forend. Large engraved silver capbox on right-hand side with smaller oval engraved capbox on cheek piece side. Elaborately engraved 4-1/2" rear sight, dbl set triggers. Anthony Z. Brown, listed at 515 No. 3rd St., Philadelphia, from 1837-1853, died in 1871. This rifle is the only known remaining signed example of his fine work. PROVENANCE: R. Gabel Collection. CONDITION: Very nice orig condition throughout, with no restoration or repairs, bbl shows inside pitting. 4-31705 RGG6 (8,000-12,000)"
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm, 7mm, 9mm & 11/12mm)
does it work?
