"DWM 1906 AMERICAN EAGLE LUGER. SN 63263. Cal. 30 Luger. Rare American Eagle Luger with 4-3/4" bbl, American eagle over chamber, DWM scroll on front toggle link with grip safety, commercial crown "N" proof on left side of receiver, breech block, front toggle link, bottom of bbl & "GERMANY" export mark on frame below serial number. The extractor is marked "LOADED" & thumb safety is unmarked, being safe in the up position with exposed area below lever polished bright. It has a correct, orig, unnumbered wood base magazine. Fitted with full checkered, unnumbered walnut grips. This is an extremely high condition example that would be hard to upgrade in any collection. PROVENANCE: Doug Smith Collection. CONDITION: Exceptionally fine, as new, possibly unfired. Overall retains about 99% crisp orig factory blue & 95-97% strong orig factory straw colors. Grips are extremely fine with a light bruise on left side & overall show very light wear to diamond points. Magazine is exceptionally fine. Crisp mechanics, brilliant shiny bore. 4-36108 JR197 & BS (4,750-5,750)"
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