Lot 3065 Detail
Brass and Silver Mounted Flintlock Kentucky Rifle with Incised Carved Stock, Signed
H*F on Barrel
.41 caliber, 40 1/4-inch octagonal barrel with open sights, signed at breech H*F in
script; light engraving on lock; brass mountings, with handsomely pierced and engraved
patchbox; numerous silver and brass inlays on varnished curly maple stock; brass plate on
bottom of fore-end; oval escutcheon on cheekpiece; light incised carving; twist decoration
on hickory ramod with brass tip.
Condition: Good to very good. Gray and brown patina to steel;
pitting; stock with sliver missing from right side of fore-end, of about 10 1/2-inch
length. repair at upper tang; chips from stock primarily at breech and around lock; some
cracks; replacement sliver of wood on left side of fore-end measuring approximately 12
1/2-inches; some of incised carving around breech likely contemporary, but not of same
quality as elsewhere on stock. Reconversion to flintlock.
Estimate: $2500 - $4000

Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm, 9mm & 12mm)
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