Flintlock Fullstock Kentucky Rifle by Samuel D. Slocomb, New Orleans
.48 caliber, 44 3/8-inch octagonal barrel, lockplate with light engraving and marked
"SAML D./SLOCOMB/NEW ORLEANS". Iron triggerguard; brass buttplate, circular
patchbox, sideplate escutcheon for main lock screw, as well as brass fore-end cap and
ramrod pipes; hickory ramrod; curly maple stock with low relief crescent cheekpiece with
light scroll terminal at rear.
Condition: Very good. Metal with dark age patina and scattered
pitting overall. Wood very good with light wear and a few minor marks.
Note: Rifle with quite distinctive architecture, including to stock as well as long
upper barrel tang, and barrel extending approximately 3/5-inch beyond fore-end cap.
Estimate: $20000 - $30000