12 Gauge W. W. Greener Side-lever Hammer Double Barrel Shotgun
Serial no. 11651. 12 gauge. Shortened 28 7/8-inch Damascus barrels. Game rib.
Case-hardened sidelever action with left-side side lever. Bar-action re-bounding locks.
Action and locks border engraved with game and foliate scroll details. High hammers.
Checkered straight grip stock of figured walnut. Steel buttplate. Vacant silver oval.
Checkered wedge-fastened splinter fore-end.
Condition: Good, as partially redone. Barrels show 60 - 70% older
reblue that is turning brown with areas of silver patina. Bore shows uniform pitting
throughout. Right barrel is dented at muzzle. Barrels show dents. Action, locks and
furniture shows artificial darkening over a silver-gray patina. Stock shows cracks at grip
and a 4-inch shrinkage crack on left side. Stock shows nicks and scratches. Fore-end shows
handling marks. Checkering shows filling and wear.
Data: Barrel Dimensions: Bore: 0.725/0.725-inches. Chokes: 0.00/0.00-inches
(Cylinder/Cylinder). Chambers: 2 5/8-inches. Proof: Birmingham, Black Powder, 13, 13.
Minimum Wall Thickness: 0.020-inches. Stock Dimensions: Pull: 14 1/2-inches. Drop at comb:
1 3/4-inches. Drop at heel: 2 3/4-inches. Cast: None. Weight: 6 pounds, 11 ounces.
Estimate: $300 - $400